Friday 12 July 2013

Farewell Toby

As expected today was another emotional day as we had to say goodbye to Toby. After a final cuddle with Flossie we packed up his basket, bowls and toys and sent him off with the guide dog lady to meet his potential new owner.

We heard back later this morning that he had settled in very quickly to his new surroundings so he wouldn't be returning. Apparently he has enjoyed exploring his new garden, but he has already managed to destroy the soft toy that his new owner had bought him as a welcome gift!

In other developments today we now have a door between the garage and the storeroom, meaning we can lock away the things we are leaving behind. Work has continued to sort out our belongings and there is gradually some kind of order emerging in the garage at least, if not the rest of the house yet.

I spent a couple of hours this afternoon contacting Sky, etc to inform them about our move. Probably goes without saying that this was a frustrating process with long periods of waiting for phones to be answered and lots of hurdles to jump over to cancel contracts, etc. for what it's worth, the best customer service was from EON (long time waiting for call to be answered but excellent customer service and friendly conversation), but way off the bottom of the list was BT (unhelpful, obstructive, etc).

Thanks for reading, more tomorrow....


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